Nespresso machines are designed to be robust, repairable, and energy efficient. That said, machines are sometimes returned to Nespresso or have been damaged. This is where Echo steps in - to provide a circularity solution for end-of-life machines.
At Echo, we have the expertise to recycle Nespresso e-waste in an innovative & ethical manner, with the highest environmental outcomes. The machines and spare parts are processed using innovative technology - the BLUBOX and MSS Sorter - and the material is then ready for re-use or recovery. All assets received are audited and reported against, allowing Nespresso to track every step of its material's journey.
By working with partners like Echo, Nespresso is able to innovative in ways to improve its overall environmental performance. Nespresso's relationship with Echo fits perfectly into its positive impact framework - 'ThePositive Cup'. As part of 'The Positive Cup' Nespresso believes that no resource should be thrown away and their ambition is to do everything they can to waste nothing.